perm filename ESW.LET[AM,DBL] blob sn#515270 filedate 1980-06-07 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
 4-Jun-80 11:46:55-PDT,20077;000000000001
Mail-from: ARPANET site SUMEX-AIM rcvd at 4-Jun-80 1144-PDT
Mail from RAND-UNIX rcvd at 4-Jun-80 1142-PDT
From: Abh at Rand-Unix
Date:  4 Jun 1980 at 1142-PDT
To: lenat at Sumex-Aim
cc: Rick at Rand-Unix, Mary at Rand-Unix
Subject:        Draft letter and outline

Doug, even though the "To" or "cc" doesn't mention it, Don did get
a copy of this message; it was sent with your message to SCORE.

Don and Doug -

Here is my draft letter and outline.  Note especially weak sections
(e.g., 4.1, 5.4).

Doug:  Please send revisions by Friday.
Don:   Please send out letters Monday.

I will be out of town next week.



Expert Systems Workshop Revised Outline and Instructions, 6/2/80

The attached outline presents an expanded statement of the six major
areas for the workshop groups and papers.  You have several tasks:

1.  Familiarize yourself with the overall outline.

2.  Generate a position paper in response to this outline for your
    group leader by July 1, 1980.

3.  Contribute evidence or references to answer, support, or refute
    the assertions and questions in the outline.

More detail on these activities follows below.  We hope you enjoy this
preparation for the workshop.  The better the early contribution, the
better we anticipate the workshop and resulting book papers will be.
Let us know if you have additional suggestions.

TASK 1:  Familiarize yourself with the whole outline.  We believe this
outline will develop into a lucid statement of the knowledge in the
field.  Thus, we hope it seems cogent and integrated.  It has many
weaknesses currently, but these should be eliminated by the time of
the workshop.  The workshop goals are twofold: (1) we want to write
down the current wisdom so that hundreds of new people can make use of
it for the applications; (2) we want to formulate clear definitions of
frontier problems for the leaders in the field to address in their own
work.  Everyone has a stake in the pursuit of these two goals.

TASK 2:  Generate a position paper by July 1.  Every invitee to the
workshop will belong to a group for codifying and communicating the
knowledge in one of these six areas.  To insure that the workshop
achieves its potential, we expect the group leaders to prepare refined
section outlines before arriving in San Diego.  The workshop will
begin with presentations on these refined outlines.  Thus, by the
time you arrive at the workshop, considerable progress should have
already been made.  Your initial responsibility is to assist in the
reformulation of the field's wisdom.  Please address each of the
points in the draft outline in a way that elucidates your views of the
technology and science.  Provide your leader specifics, examples,
precise assertions, references, taxonomies, statistics, concepts or
solutions!  The more lucid your inputs, the better the revised
outlines and the more educational the workshop.  Good luck and good

TASK 3:  Contribute evidence on references.  The outline attempts to
survey the whole field of expert systems.  As you scan other sections
of interest to you, you will undoubtedly find opportunities to
contribute nuggets of wisdom to other groups.  Please send these along
to the appropriate group leader.  We're sure the more inputs they
receive, the happier and more thorough they will be.  Please send all
references possible via Arpanet in the bibliographic format of
Computing Surveys.  The group leaders should collate these and prior
to the workshop, we will generate reference lists for all
participants.  This should encourage the early development of a
comprehensive bibliography.  We hope the excitement we feel in
anticipation of this workshop has begun to infest you too!  We have
lined up a very interesting mystery expert, and we look forward to the
opportunity to integrate several knowledge engineering experiences
with the groups' scholarly presentations of ideas.

We look forward to seeing you.

            Rick Hayes-Roth    Don Waterman    Doug Lenat

Attachment 1:

    Addresses of the six group leaders

	Ron Brachman                       RBRACHMAN@BBN-TENEXD
	Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.
	50 Moulton Street
	Cambridge, MA 02138

	Bruce Buchanan                     BUCHANAN@SUMEX-AIM
	Stanford University
	Department of Computer Science
	Stanford, CA 94305

	Mark Stefix                        STEFIX@SUMEX-AIM
	Stanford University
	Department of Computer Science
	Stanford, CA 94305

	David Barstow                      BARSTOW@SUMEX
	Old Quarry Road
	Ridgefield, CT 06877

	Randy Davis                        KRD@MIT-AI
	Massachusetts Institute of
	Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
	545 Technology Square
	Cambridge, MA 02139

	Pete Hart                          HART@SRI-KL
	SRI International
	Computer Resources
	333 Ravenswood Ave.
	Menlo Park, CA 94025

Attacment 2:  Expert Systems Workshop 6/2/80, Revised Outline

1. Definition of Expert Systems

   1.1  Formal and informal characterizations of expert systems

	1.1.1  Expertise
		 What is it?  Domain model plus problem-solving schemes
		   organized efficiently
		 An expert system is an implemented body of expertise
	1.1.2  Knowledge
		 Precise definition: concepts, facts, theories,
		   constraints, heuristics, ...
		 How is a knowledge-based system different from a Fortran
		   problem-solving procedure?
		 Is expertise=domain knowledge plus problem-solving
	1.1.3  Tasks
		 Expert systems operate in narrow domains.  Why?
		 How is the domain modeled in or reflected by the ES?

   1.2  Alternative and contrasting methods

	1.2.1  Analytical
		 These methods are systematic and rigorous
		 Examples include admissible searches or exhaustive searches
		 These methods should be verifiable, if slow
		 What kinds of algorithms for ES tasks have been developed?
		 What new algorithms seem ripe for development?
	1.2.2  Heuristic
		 These methods are errorful, incomplete or uncertain
		 Examples are limited search, confidence-rating schemes,
		   or guesses
		 These methods should be fast, if risky
		 What kinds of systematic heuristic search techniques are
		 What class of heuristic methods aren't yet systematized?
	1.2.3  Relative advantages of analytical vs. heuristic
		 Can you place error bounds on heuristic methods?
		 Can you compare heuristic to analytic solutions?
		 Is knowledge fundamentally heuristic?
		 How much computing is necessary to move from heuristic
		   to analytic solutions?  Is it tractable/feasible?

   1.3  The niche of expert systems

	1.3.1  Expertise exists
		 Areas that exemplify/don't fit this requirement
		 What kind of expertise?  Symbolic, expressible, testable,...
	1.3.2  Knowledge and heuristics required
		 What kinds of problems don't require one or both of
		 Why aren't such tasks appropriate for ES applications?
	1.3.3  Payoff exceeds cost
		 What does it cost to build an ES?
		 What is its real life-cycle cost?
		 Can we measure the benefits?
		   (See criteria for performance 6.1)
	1.3.4  What kinds of problems seem to fit into this niche?
	       Which don't? Why not?

2. Knowledge Acquisition

   2.1  Extracting knowledge from experts
	  Typical experiences at this process
	  Usually involves programmer plus expert and produces hybrid
	  Why is it hard?
	  What techniques make it easy?

   2.2  Conceptualization

	2.2.1  Choices of key concepts and relations
	2.2.2  Choices of representation schemes
	2.2.3  Relationships between alternative representation schemes
	2.2.4  Reasons for favoring a particular representation
	2.2.5  Mapping the conceptualization into the representation

   2.3  Assimilating new knowledge
	  What triggers the recognition for the need?
	  What are the schemes for adding increments of knowledge?
	  What kinds of increments cause difficulty?
	  When is the conceptualization thrown out?
	  How do we design a knowledge system to increase its flexibility,

   2.4  Extensibility of conceptualizations
	  What concepts/inference methods are hard-wired into the system?
	  What kinds of extensions arise during the course of a project?
	  What language/system/features enhance or impede extensibility?
	  What limitations arise? (E.g., combinations, inconsistencies?)

   2.5  Consensus formation
	  What is the definition of a consensus?
	  How do we compare/contrast alternative formulations?
	  How do we average, aggregate or retain multiple formulations?
	  What methods exist for promoting or guiding consensus formation?

   2.6  Automated discovery
	  What methods exist for generalizing the current knowledge?
	  Do any means exist for automatically identifying all
	    possible situations that may arise and eliciting the
	    appropriate response?
	  Can a repetoire of desired behaviors be inferred from examples
	    or by automated experimentation?
	  Has new knowledge ever been discovered in an expert system?
	  How can we limit the erroneous bits of knowledge automated
	    schemes introduce?
	  Which classes of knowledge seem well-suited to current automated
	    discovery methods?  Which classes are on the frontier today?

3. Architecture

   3.1  Logical or plausible foundations
	  Propositional or predicate calculus
	  Theorem proving or causal reasoning
	  Causal models
	  Model-based interpretation of observables
	  Plan generation with model-based evaluations

   3.2  Inference and control

	3.2.1  Deductions
	3.2.2  Certainty calculations
		 Uncertainty as potential error
		 Reducing uncertainty by adding evidence
		 Schemas for combining uncertainties or evidence
		 Other forms of continuous judgments (e.g. Berliner's
		   BKG, Hearsay II priorities, AM "interestingness")
	3.2.3  Search
		 Spaces of hypotheses/alternatives/partial solutions
	3.2.4  Control
		 Combinatorics => search
		 Lack of combinatorics or lack of deep inferences => no search
		 Ways to simplify/reduce search
		   (e.g., abstraction, constraint propagation)
		 Serial schemes (e.g., AM, Hearsay II)
		 Parallel schemes (e.g., relaxation, back chaining)
		 Plateaus, optima, horizons and other phenomena
		 Time vs accuracy trade-off (e.g., how does
		   deeper search affect performance?)

   3.3  Problem-solving structure
	  Multi-level (Hearsay II, Hearsay III)
	  Back chaining (MYCIN)
	  Homogeneous production rules (ROSIE)
	  Semantic nets (Internist)

   3.4  Incomplete searches

	3.4.1  Resource allocation
		 What principles do we have to chosing where to work?
		 When is an inference redundant?
		 What mechanisms do we use (agendas, meta-planning
		   or scheduling)
		 How much does this cost?  What does it save?
	3.4.2  Order of search
		 Which things should be computed first?
		 How does the order affect the outcome and its validity?
		 How can we measure the error of an incomplete search?
		 How can we know when to terminate?
		 Can we limit our errors somehow?
		 How can we assess the efficiency of the search (what
		   is prumed?)

4. Knowledge Engineering

   4.1  Current tools and methods for acquisition
	  Knowledge representation packages (KRL, UNITS, ROSIE, KAS,...)
	  Interactive programs for knowledge base creating and testing
	  Top-down development styles (successive elaboration of

   4.2  Current tools and networks for implementation
	  Programming systems for expert systems
	    EMYCIN, ROSIE, OPS4, Hearsay III, AGE, Expert
	  Top-down development style
	  Explanation/graphics for viewing system behavior
	  Test procedures
	  Debugging methods/packages

   4.3  Matching tasks to tools
	  Characterize the tools and especially the differences among them
	  Use these characteristics to induce task environment distribution
	  Which task environment suggest which tools?

   4.4  Weaknesses of current tools and methods
	  What limitation of the tools force us to restrict the tasks?
	  Knowledge acquisition is extremely ad hoc
	  Testing, evaluation, and knowledge refinement is also ad hoc
	  Few of the systems are both general programming langauges and
	  Most of the systems have particular niches owing to their
	    historical backgrounds
	  Most tasks permit radically different encodings with different
	    ramifications; i.e., we have insufficiently constrained the
	    design options for ESs

5. Meta-cognition

   5.1  Self-description and monitoring
	  How can an expert system understand its own behavior?
	  How should it detect inconsistencies or errors?
	  What requirements are there for self-monitoring
	  Do any current systems support these capabilities?
	  Which additional capabilities are most important?
	    What would these take to implement?  What would they cost?
   5.2  Explanation

	5.2.1  Schemes
		 Back chaining or forward chaining explanation by
		   trace interpretation
		 English vs code: what's important, and can we tolerate
		   separate explanatory text and code (i.e., just use
		 Macro-scopic approaches to explanation, e.g., disease
		   prototypes or event standard scenarios (scripts)
		 Hence, multi-level approaches to explanation
	5.2.2  Organization of explanations: which text comes first?
	5.2.3  Formal underpinnings of explanation theory
	5.2.4  When would an ES fail to be able to generate an
		 explanation?  Or, are these systems complete AND
	5.2.5  Methods for explaining or portraying multiple simultaneous
		 plausible alternatives

   5.3  Evaluation

	5.3.1  What are the qualities requiring evaluation?
		 Effort required
		 Likelihood of eventual success
		 Priority of information to gather or tasks to execute
		 Impact of potential action
		 Credibility of a conclusion
	5.3.2  Ad hoc methods for evaluation
		 Examples and experiences
	5.3.3  Formal methods for evaluation
		 Weaknesses and limitations

   5.4  Reorganization

	5.4.1  Knowledge reorganization
		 What triggers a need for reorganization?
		 What levels of reorganization have occurred?  Why?
		   (e.g., Hearsay I -> Hearsay II; AM -> Eurisko;
		   DIALOG -> Internist)
		 What are the needs for self-awareness in these systems?
	5.4.2  Problem-solving structure reorganization
		 Does this occur?
	5.4.3  Reorganization of inference and control
		 Do different interactive discourses suggest different
		   control regimes?
		 When would a system need to restructure its control
		   Do  any systems currently do this?  What's needed?

6. Performance

   6.1  Criteria of success

	6.1.1  Task performance (objective achievement)
	6.1.2  Competence (behave as an expert)
	6.1.3  Systematization/axiomatization of knowledge/methods
	6.1.4  Codification of knowledge/methods
	6.1.5  Extensiveness/completeness of search in uncertain domain
	6.1.6  Robustness under uncertainty (comprehensiveness,
	6.1.7  Credibility of decisions
	6.1.8  Accountability of knowledge/methods
	6.1.9  Maintainability/modifiability/extensibility
       6.1.10  Naturalness of inference process
       6.1.11  Speed and resource requirements (e.g., core, processor)
       6.1.12  Human-machine interface
       6.1.13  Verifiability/validity of knowledge/inference method/and
       6.1.14  Reliability, continuity of decisions (insensitivity),

   6.2  Measuring - Methods for measuring performance gainst each criterion

	6.2.1  Problem-solving ability: Test and Evaluation  Familiar problems with known solutions  Problems with unknown but predicted solutions  Measuring individual units of knowledge  Measuring overall decisions
	6.2.2  Ability to replicate expert decisions (on benchmark
		 problems or new ones)
	6.2.3  Logical or formal analysis of capabilities
	6.2.4  Representability and intelligibility of knowledge
	6.2.5  Assessing the thoroughness or incompleteness of
		 heuristic searches
	6.2.6  Does the system peruse alternatives and maintain their
		 entailments or does it make arbitrary choices?  How
		 do these choices affect correctness of decisions?
	6.2.7  Are the decisions correct?  Are the reasons self-evident?
		 What are the sources of credibility for the decisions?
		 What arbitrary actions/choices are made that can introduce
		 error?  Are these apparent or explainable to the user?
	6.2.8  How can we assign responsibility for good/bad decisions to
		 elements of the knowledge base?  How can we assess the
		 criticality or correctness of continuous variables?
	6.2.9  How easy/hard is it to assimilate knowledge?  What kinds of
		 additions cause fundamental restructuring?
       6.2.10  Does the inference scheme match the expert's or is it
		 Do explanations follow or mask the actual decision
       6.2.11  How fast does the system run?  How is speed related to
		 amount of knowledge or depth of inference?
       6.1.12  How easy/hard is it for a human to guide or understand the
	       How well does the system exploit human channels (touch,
		 vision, natural language,...)?
       6.1.13  Can you verify or validate the system?  How?  What kinds of
		 systems would be certifiable?
       6.1.14  How can you measure the smooth, continuous response space of
		 the system over slowly changing assumptions?  How critical
		 are various arbitrary parameters or combining rules?

   6.3  Consistency

	6.3.1  Is the implemented knowledge consistent with human beliefs?
		 Is it more specific in some ways?  More abstract?
	6.3.2  Are all inferences this knowledge generates consistent
		 with human beliefs, or do they sometimes produce strange
	6.3.3  Do different experts in this field have consistent
		 beliefs?  How are their differences reflected in the system?

   6.4  Debugging

	6.4.1  How do we recognize errors in a system?
	6.4.2  How do we assign responsibility for errors?
	6.4.3  What kinds of knowledge/inference units can be altered
		 and how?  What kinds can't be?  Why?
	6.4.4. What methods for systematic testing exist?
	6.4.5  What kinds of specification/verification are appropriate?
	6.4.6  What special facilities for programmer debugging can
		 be provided?

   6.5  Credit Assignment

	6.5.1  How do we identify which knowledge elements are
		 Invalidated by data
		 Often valid
		 Often incorrect
	6.5.2  What changes to knowledge/inference/control should be made
		 to reflect each of these changes?
	6.5.3  Can we identify macro-inferences or chains that operate
		 collectively, frequently, and usefully?  How would we
		 change the systems to reflect his "chunk?"
	6.5.4  Can we identify which sources of knowledge (e.g., different
		 experts) tend to provide the most valid/useful knowledge?
		 What can we do to exploit this recognition?
	6.5.5  Can we adjust the program's asserted "certainties" to reflect
		 actual variability in decisions under equivalent

   6.6  Interactive discourse style

	6.6.1  What is the protocol or style of human-machine cooperative
		 problem solving with this system?  How does this differ
		 and excel over the human-only method?
	6.6.2  Natural language
	6.6.3  Graphics
	6.6.4  Explanation/question answering
	6.6.5  Human-guided search
	6.6.6  Interactive data collection strategies
	6.6.7  Interactive styles of rule development and testing